Innovation with a heart and one that’s pro-agent, pro-brokerage

Innovation with a heart and one that’s pro-agent, pro-brokerage

A couple of years ago, Realty Times, a one-time major rival to Inman News a couple of decades ago, was acquired by John Giaimo. Online real estate industry veterans will remember John when he was the head of, and before that,…
Bring it Home® Communities

Bring it Home® Communities Launches New Mobile App to Help Brokers and Agents provide Home Sellers confidence to List Their Homes

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Bring it Home® Communities accelerated its national rollout with the introduction of a patent-pending mobile application for real estate brokers and agents. Called "Before They List®," this innovative app facilitates the collection of specific…
Saul Klein Interviews Realty Times CEO John Giaimo

Saul Klein Interviews Realty Times CEO John Giaimo About New Venture, Bring it Home Communities™

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Saul Klein interviews Realty Times CEO and creator of the brand new Bring it Home Communities™, a new listing portal which aims to give the power back to local real estate agents and the community. To learn more, watch the video or read…